Fish of the Week: Frogfish

Frogfish (family Antennariidae)

Here's the view from behind of those modified fins. Courtesy of Dr. Jessie Sanders.
Here’s the view from behind of those modified fins. Courtesy of Dr. Jessie Sanders.

This week features one of the oddest members of the fish family is the frog fish. From just looking at its picture, you can tell that it has a unique adaptation: it has feet! Well, not really. They use their pectoral and pelvic fins to walk along the sea floor. Mainly a benthic animal, waiting for a snack to come along, they usually make a run or trot to capture dinner. Sometimes, they sit so still that they have been mistaken for sponges. Some species of frogfish have a unique lure, called an illicium, right above their mouths that they use to lure unsuspecting snacks into its clutches.

Watch a video of them walking around! 

Can you find the fish? You can see how they can be easily mistaken for an inanimate sponge! Courtesy of Dr. Jessie Sanders.
Can you find the fish? You can see how they can be easily mistaken for an inanimate sponge! Courtesy of Dr. Jessie Sanders.

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