Another year almost gone! Catch up on some of our favorite posts from the past year. Many more to come in 2020, and we’re always open to new ideas! Comment with any topics you would like us to cover in 2020 and beyond. May all your fish be happy and healthy in the new year.

This common home diagnosis can mean several different things. Read more here…

Why would you ever keep a fish in a nasty bowl? Read more here…

Why is aquatic veterinary care so expensive? Read more here…

The Biggest Challenge in Aquatic Veterinary Medicine
The answer: No one knows we exist. Read more here…

“My fish only cost a few dollars; why does he deserve veterinary care?”
It’s time to stop the “disposable” pet fish mentality. Read more here…

If an emergency strikes, do you have a plan? Does it include your fish? Read more here…