Evaluating Sources for Free Fish Help

Aquatic Veterinary Consult

The internet is a wonderful, magical place offering multiple sources of free fish help. Because if it’s published on the internet, it must be true, right? Sorry to tell you, but Dr. Google does not have any sort of medical degree. Have you read all about the magic of tiny green peas and the dreaded dropsy disease? Sorry to tell you, but these are just internet fabrications. We have a collection of all the fake diseases the internet has amassed. The veterinary community is partly at fault, having ignored the plight of fish owners for far too long.

Enter Aquatic Veterinary Services! **Wearing a cape, if a business could.** Our mission is to give you the straight, well-researched facts about all things fishy. Does it cost you anything? NOPE! We have over 200 articles on different fish species, diseases, physiology, water quality, surgery and beyond in our Fish Health 101 section. We have a YouTube channel dedicated to more in-depth information and recorded webinars open to all. Need to waste 10-20 minutes and want to learn something about fish? Check out our Fish Facts video series.

But your fish help isn’t free!

Everything on our website and YouTube channel is free and clear. Yes, if you want more help than that, you will have to pay. If our business could subsist on air and not money, we’d be happy to work for free, but I have employees who’s livelihoods depend on us charging money. Rather than scoffing at paying a fish vet, learn what you get for paying for a specialist who comes to your house and does all the work.

Is there any good free fish help out there?

There is some good help on the internet, but always consider the source. What worked for one fish under certain conditions does not work for every fish. Disease does not progress the same in every situation. Over the counter medications are not always what they say they are. There are NO regulators checking up on fish medications on pet store shelves.

If you need more help than our website can provide, call your local fish veterinarian. NEVER attempt treating or performing surgery on your fish or your friends/family pet fish. Visit the American Association of Fish Veterinarians or the World Aquatic Veterinary Medical Association to find a vet near you. If you are in California or Nevada, we’re here to help you directly. Call us at (831) 278-1081.

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1 thought on “Evaluating Sources for Free Fish Help”

  1. Pingback: Top 10 Mistakes New Fish Owners Make – #1 – Aquatic Veterinary Services

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